10 minutes ago by tyingq
That's great. Maybe they should consider making them with rebar inside to get the strength up while keeping the scrap value nominal.
31 minutes ago by 1cvmask
Everytime I see manhole in the written word George Carlin the comedian/philosopher comes to mind. He famously said they will call it “personhole” cover.
12 minutes ago by mygoodaccount
And what would be the problem with that?
a minute ago by tyingq
Manhole would be one of those cases where "man" doesn't really imply anything positive that somebody else is missing out on.
15 minutes ago by ars
People in Lebanon are so poor and desperate they are stealing metal manhole covers, and this engineer is replacing them with plastic covers.
He replaced 3 of them, and he's looking for donations so he can fund more of them.
Not sure about the "sustainable" part, but he is using recycled plastic trash to make them.
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