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4 hours ago by amasad

Some stats not mentioned in the post. Create React App (webpack) vs Vite (esbuild) on Replit containers:

- 1 second start up time on Vite vs 15 seconds for CRA

- React.js hello world project is 234mb on CRA and only 34mb on Vite

- 1GB RAM for Vite dev server vs 3GB+ for CRA

This is a perfect example of how fast and efficient tools can be, and I think we can do even better! Super excited about the future of JavaScript tooling ecosystem with more focus on efficiency and speed.

In addition to the UX win, and I wish we measured this, but I bet this saved us thousands of dollars in monthly cloud spend.

an hour ago by mariusmg

>Super excited about the future of JavaScript tooling ecosystem with more focus on efficiency and speed.

Well they can't get worse than now... 234mb for a friggin hello world app

an hour ago by koolba

Itā€™s more of a hello import the world.

44 minutes ago by ng12

Would you count the size of the JVM when you do Hello World in Java?

27 minutes ago by hombre_fatal

You could, since itā€™s a runtime dep. But a better comparison would be to the client dev tool chains in other ecosystems, like Xcode (11GB), though still not very interesting. Turns out client dev is hard and it doesnā€™t make much sense hand wringing over dev tool size metrics.

Better to look at how well they solve their problem space.

13 minutes ago by Scarbutt

No because they are not counting the size of the browser or nodejs

32 minutes ago by undefined


an hour ago by spoiler

It's worth noting that the tooling and build systems are that big. They include type definitions, binaries, scss preprocessors, typescript compiler, linter, and a lot of other tools to enhance DX. Some of them might include other non-code resources.

The hello world app is not going to be this big.

3 hours ago by JMTQp8lwXL

As the "webpack" guy on my team, these numbers look extremely compelling, but I also know Webpack does a lot for us (e.g., through Webpack v4, it includes browserfied node libs as needed). Beyond node libs, there's a long tail of niche things that need to be taken of... am I trading coverage of that long tail for speed?

3 hours ago by judofyr

Previously I've been a heavy user of Webpack + plugins, but I've now moved over to ESBuild for all new projects. This means letting go of many fancy features, but the overall complexity is so much reduced and I'm a lot happier.

Before: Chain together style-loader, css-loader, postcss-loader and the MiniCssExtractPlugin in some weird way. So complicated to understand which PostCSS plugins interacts with resolving imports. I often need to look into the webpack.config.js to understand how everything work. After: Use PostCSS and its tooling for CSS. Yes, there's now a separate process I also need to run in order to watch and build CSS. Yes, I can no longer `import "./style.css"` from the JavaScript files. But it's so much easier to reason about! The CSS tooling creates a CSS file; the JavaScript tooling creates a JavaScript file. Do I want to build SVG sprites? Well, that can very easily be a separate script which I can debug independently and _not_ couple into my builder's plugin system.

In addition, now my JavaScript files are actually just JavaScript and I can be pretty sure that it will work with any new tooling without any problems. Once the successor to ESBuild comes out I will most likely be able to point it at index.js and everything will work.

2 hours ago by acdha

> In addition, now my JavaScript files are actually just JavaScript and I can be pretty sure that it will work with any new tooling without any problems.

That's been my feeling for years, too: if your team is less than, say, several dozen people there's a significant amount of merit to having something which doesn't require continous care and feeding for anyone to work, especially when it's combining a number of complex libraries with independent development teams.

37 minutes ago by jakelazaroff

In my experience, the vast majority of use cases are covered by these "no config" tools. If your app isn't a typical CRUD app you might fall into that long tail, but FWIW almost every app I've built has not :)

2 hours ago by desireco42

You still need webpack for production build :). So all is good.

an hour ago by darekkay

Vite uses Rollup for production builds, which is still much faster than webpack.

27 minutes ago by simlevesque

Why can't you use esbuild for production builds ?

3 hours ago by vijaybritto

You still can do polyfills manually via browserify packages

3 hours ago by sjaak

ā€œOnlyā€ 34mb for a hello world project? I canā€™t tell if youā€™re being ironic but I hope so!

2 hours ago by amasad

Nearly an order of magnitude reduction. What do you think of that?

2 hours ago by lhorie

They probably mean that "hello world".length == 11 // bytes

3 hours ago by fiddlerwoaroof

Iā€™d like to see non-CRA numbers: Iā€™ve found that a simple React + Webpack 5 project is not as bad to get off the ground as it used to be.

2 hours ago by wildpeaks

Exactly: 99% of the time, "webpack is slow" is just code for "I have Babel in my toolchain" and forgetting to set ts-loader as "transpile only".

Personally I removed it years ago, and Webpack 5 even allowed me to get rid of more loaders now that there are Assets Modules that automatically detect assets and webworkers using the "new URL()" syntax, and Typescript does everything else I need.

2 hours ago by fiddlerwoaroof

The new URL() thing is amazing

2 hours ago by joshxyz

I can remove babel in my code?

3 hours ago by amasad

I'm sure it's less disk space because it has less deps but the most of the RAM and CPU usage in CRA is Webpack so I'd be surprised if that changed much.

3 hours ago by mumphster

webpack AND all the extra plugins and preprocessing and postprocessing CRA adds -- its not a small webpack setup by any means and you can get 1s build times with webpack pretty easily without CRA

3 hours ago by fiddlerwoaroof

Iā€™d like to see the numbers: the webpack config CRA eject gives you is a monster.

an hour ago by andrewmcwatters

My position on web development for even consulting projects is just to not use build processes as much as possible. I still end up using them for things like JSX, but I donā€™t bundle anymore, nor do any web projects I build require installation out of the box.

Iā€™ve found that by doing so, I can just basically ignore, for years on end, all of the peddlers pushing how their projects make development easier or faster or some nonsense.

You know whatā€™s easiest and fastest? Flat files in a good directory structure with some getting started template.

Thatā€™s it. The fastest build times are the ones that donā€™t exist. Period.

Web development is as complicated as you choose to make it. Very few fields work like this.

an hour ago by shakow

> Very few fields work like this.

Quite the opposite; I would argue that webdev is basically rediscovering the whole shebang, but decades later.

Modern webdev with transpilation, linking, pruning, compilation to WASM etc. starts to dreadfully look like the classical native development paradigm.

40 minutes ago by andrewmcwatters

Yeah, and basically none of that is necessary. Which is my point exactly.

8 minutes ago by holler

In the Ember.js ecosystem there's a really exciting new build tool project called "mho", that replaces webpack and uses a novel strategy running in a service worker to interpret native javascript modules with minimal overhead & near instant rebuilds (disclaimer I'm not familiar with how snowpack works under the hood).




3 hours ago by MintsJohn

Webdev truly is one of a kind. Not only do you have your source code, you also have your build code, oddly dictating the organization of your source code. For extra fun, some libraries don't build with build system a, others require build system b, when you're lucky enough to have a working mix, changing build systems is better to be avoided. Of course periodically the officially blessed build system for your used libraries changes.

The webdev ecosystem is so broken, it's no wonder so many websites deliver assets that are extremely suboptimally optimised, big unused blobs of assets /scripts slowing page load, optimising it all is actually made harder than coding it all.

3 hours ago by brundolf

> you also have your build code, oddly dictating the organization of your source code

It... really doesn't? You generally have an entry point file - which can be any file, you just have to specify it to your build system - and import statements are followed from there on. If anything you could argue the JS build ecosystem is too flexible (which is one of the things esbuild is pushing back against). I've never heard someone criticize it for being too opinionated.

> For extra fun, some libraries don't build with build system a, others require build system b

I've literally never encountered this problem. Library authors virtually always ship least-common-denominator JS that will work without using a build system at all, and then build systems know how to handle lots of different variations of JS and converge them into a single representation. Compatibility is not an issue that exists in my experience.

> The webdev ecosystem is so broken, it's no wonder so many websites deliver assets that are extremely suboptimally optimised, big unused blobs of assets /scripts slowing page load, optimising it all is actually made harder than coding it all.

Now you're just airing your own personal beef which doesn't actually have anything to do with the original topic.

2 hours ago by z3t4

For personal projects I just use plain javaScript, ES5 even, without any compile steps, everything loads instantly and runs on every browser that supports JavaScript, and the development can be set up in any environment/OS without headaches. I do use minification for production but that is not really necessary if the browser supports loading JS-script tags async (all major browsers). The bundle gets very small without any frameworks attached. Debugging is easy with the browser built in dev-tools - with small error messages that always have the correct line (eg. no source maps). I'm currently working on a 100,000+ line JS project that uses the plugin pattern with script tags and it's very manageable, adding new features is fast and fun. There are of course trade-offs, I can't just "npm install react-x-y-z", but the browser API's are extensive, you can do just about anything on the front-end with just the native browser components and API's.

3 hours ago by kall

Have you seen the android build system? I mean what the hell is a gradle wrapper. At least js tools are configured in .json or .js files not in a special purpose programming language.

I donā€˜t mean to discuss which system is too complicated and which is not just to point out a lot of real world build systems are on that level.

3 hours ago by jupp0r

I see you have never worked on a C/C++ project.

13 minutes ago by Shorel

I have done both. C++ is miles better in comparison.

3 hours ago by uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yeah this appears to be more or less the essential complexity of build+link

an hour ago by rgovostes

When I learned about Prolog in university I had a "eureka" moment where I wondered why I was spending all this time learning to implement algorithms in imperative code, when I could just express the output I want and then let some Ć¼ber constraint solver figure out how to produce it. How liberating declarative programming would be if only we started coding with it more.

When I try to use Webpack, as I click through obsolete StackOverflow posts, trying to figure out the right key-value pairs to get the output I want, I realize how mistaken I was. I hope build tools for the web become less "magical" and more predictable and debuggable, even if it means discarding their declarative form.

4 hours ago by WORMS_EAT_WORMS

From the article, a good explainer:

> Vite works by treating your source code and your dependencies differently. Unlike your source code, dependencies don't change nearly as often during development. Vite takes advantage of this fact by pre-bundling your dependencies using esbuild. Esbuild is a JS bundler written in Go that bundles dependencies 10-100x faster than JavaScript based alternatives like Webpack and Parcel.

2 hours ago by vaughan

I find it useful to have my vendor dependencies compiled and watched for debugging. There are always bugs in deps or poor error messages, and sometimes the dev tools debugger doesnā€™t work properly, so being able to modify a dev is nice.

Of course it would prob be better if this was a toggle.

I think webpack module federation may improve this situation too. I used webpack all plugin previously to speed up vendor dep compilation.

Thing about webpack though is itā€™s so complex how all this works that I always have to revisit it every few months to jog my memory.

We need simpler abstractions on top. Next is nice but still, if you need to dive deeper itā€™s painful.

I think in like 20 years time we will probably be able to get rid of all of this tool chain and the new kids will never know the pains we went through.

3 hours ago by eliseumds

I literally just spent days trying out Vite and comparing it to Webpack 5, and I can comfortably say that they are in two very distinct leagues. It isn't fair to compare Vite to a CRA build with Webpack. You can greatly improve Webpack's performance by:

* Making sure `mode` is set to "development" (don't specify it all if in doubt)

* Ditching babel-loader and using esbuild-loader instead

* Adjusting build targets and making sure polyfills are not added in development

* Making sure you don't import the entirety of libraries like Lodash and MomentJS (prefer date-fns)

* [FUTURE] We'll soon be able to tell Webpack to output ES modules just like Vite [1]

Vite still has many problems:

* It just isn't suitable for proper server-side rendering, we'd need access to chunk names at build time

* It has a weird mix of own and Rollup config settings that seems somewhat unpredictable

* Many open issues regarding module imports, for ex, when a CJS module imports an ES one [2]

Our current bottleneck with Webpack is actually sass-loader, taking at least 70% of the time during a fresh build, and we'd have the same problem with Vite.

Something else that is worth pointing out is the ecosystem: Webpack's community has built tons of plugins for basically any use case you can imagine, and version 5 supports module federation, persistent caching, externals (very handy when doing SSR), customizable filename generators, performance hints, etc etc. Totally different game.

Try to keep your build config simple, avoid too many loaders, plugins, and you should be fine 99% of the time. If you hit a wall, install speed-measure-webpack-plugin to get some help.

[1] https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/2933

[2] https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen...

an hour ago by theon144

>* It has a weird mix of own and Rollup config settings that seems somewhat unpredictable

Oh god, this is a giant red flag. This is precisely one of my biggest gripes with Quasar (a Vue framework), which, on top of webpack/vue adds its own config that are intermingled with vue's and webpack's, and its honestly a mess, and oftentimes just straight up makes problems harder to solve.

I am obviously not railing against config dedicated to a single tool in a toolchain, but the way you described it rings a bell, especially the "unpredictability".

>* Many open issues regarding module imports, for ex, when a CJS module imports an ES one

This also seems to confirm my and other's suspicion, that the tool isn't really "deliver-grade".

>If you hit a wall, install speed-measure-webpack-plugin to get some help.

But on the other hand, this is at least the fifth plugin I have heard someone recommend, dedicated just to profiling Webpack.

What do you think about the time difference shown in the article? I sort of feel it's a bit disingenuous since the test included a lot of other variables, but it seems hard to argue against it if it's this plain. Is this a config issue, or a "most commonly used loader" issue...?

41 minutes ago by eliseumds

I'd be dishonest if I told you I was able to compare them 1-to-1. I couldn't finish my Vite setup because of bugs and lack of proper SSR support.

I believe that, at this point, people are just nitpicking. When working on a client-side-only app, Vite is faster, but not by that much. In one of our apps, I saw it starting up in 1s compared to 2s with Webpack, and reloads in 100ms compared to 250ms. This is a Preact/TS/Emotion app that outputs almost 7MB of assets, 61 files to be precise, and works on IE11. And I hadn't even tried persistent caching with it yet. Webpack 5 with esbuild is a fast-enough solution.

NextJS is a well-established tool now and version 10.2 uses Webpack 5 under the hood. V11 is looking insanely fast (I suspect they replaced Babel with esbuild): https://twitter.com/shuding_/status/1378086219708473344.

So yeah, slow performance with Webpack is definitely caused by a bad set of loaders/plugins. Eject a CRA app and you'll see a monster coming out.

3 hours ago by earthboundkid

If you figure out how to get Webpack to solve all these issues, that makes one working Webpack installation. When Vite solves their issues, all Vite installations will have the issues solved.

2 hours ago by eliseumds

Vite is not a completely opinionated tool. You can still customise its behaviour and use plugins, so both installations would have very similar vulnerabilities at the end. For SSR, you need a self-written server entry point.

Webpack 5 has introduced asset modules, so now you can safely ditch raw-loader, url-loader and file-loader. [1]

You might have NextJS or CRA in mind.

[1] https://webpack.js.org/guides/asset-modules/

3 hours ago by larrymyers

I tried out both snowpack and esbuild recently, and while the approach of using es modules was neat, these tools are still wildly immature compared to webpack.

Need to handle non-js assets in your bundle? Need to integrate into both node and browser environments?

You should stick with webpack. Any time you lose waiting for webpack to run you will get back 10x over by not fighting with your tooling because it doesn't handle a set of use cases you have.

I'm sure the next generation of build tools and bundlers will mature over time and we'll all get to enjoy the benefits of es modules, but right now webpack's mature plugin ecosystem, documentation, and stability makes it my default choice.

3 hours ago by throwaway894345

> Any time you lose waiting for webpack to run you will get back 10x over by not fighting with your tooling because it doesn't handle a set of use cases you have.

Generally I think this is good advice for tools--stick with the mature thing. But my former company's webpack builds were 30+ minutes for a relatively simple site. No doubt something was misconfigured, but you really have to be a webpack expert to get any sort of insight into where the time is going, and even then it may not be especially actionable (or at least not obviously so). In our case, we were using a monorepo and we didn't have something like Bazel, so this was painful for backend engineers, data scientists, etc--not just frontend engineers.

Maybe our case was pathological, but we would have saved a ton of time moving to esbuild and building whatever additional features we needed from scratch.

an hour ago by theon144

Your experience mirrors mine to a letter - I appreciate the wide variety of use cases that are covered by Webpack (a number of which are crucial to our build process), but its performance is abysmal (20m+ on CI) and totally inscrutable; making the potential switch from it rather enticing.

Especially as seeing that there is no good solution (but a lot of attempts at them), I feel it somewhat points to this overcomplexity being a problem central to Webpack.

an hour ago by willhoyle

> my former company's webpack builds were 30+ minutes for a relatively simple site

Iā€™m genuinely curious what simple site would cause a 30+ minute build? Is it just one of those things that grow over time?

16 minutes ago by throwaway894345

I wasnā€™t a frontend developer, so Iā€™m not familiar with the details, but it seemed to be pretty slow from the start, but compounded as our app grew in size. I.e., there was some large coefficient associated with our web pack configuration.

2 hours ago by vaughan

I feel like there just needs to be a good plugin that gives you proper stats as to how long things are taking and tips to improve things.

Itā€™s usually slow css loaders, or too-inclusive patterns for loaders ending up processing node_modules, and not good enough disk caching.

There is a plugin called smc to monitor loader execution time.

Dll plugin was the best speed up to avoid recompiling things that donā€™t change, but now module federation is suppose to be a better solution. Disk caching in v5 will also do great things.

Thing is, itā€™s so complicated to setup, and debugging it involves so much config tweaking ans waiting.

I think we are a few years out from when we have nice speedy builds in webpack with good abstractions.

But then itā€™s a question of whether people move away from webpack because we donā€™t need all the plugins and transpiration and want native compile speeds.

One thing for certain though is the hype cycle will continue on...

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